Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Miley Cyrus travels to B.C.’s Great Bear Rainforest

RELEASE: Miley Cyrus travels to B.C.’s Great Bear Rainforest from Pacific Wild on Vimeo.

Patti LaBelle is not a fan of Nicki Minaj or Miley Cyrus

Patti LaBelle is not a fan of Nicki Minaj or Miley Cyrus. During her concert on Friday night at the Hard Rock Casino, she invited few fans to go up the stage to dance and one of them started to take off his cloth but was deter by her.

She told him, “Don’t you dare, not on my stage. I am 71-years-young I am not Nicki Minaj or that little Miley.”


Friday, September 11, 2015

B.C.'s Christy Clark says Miley Cyrus should stick to what she knows and not interfering in the province's environmental policies

B.C.'s Christy Clark says Miley Cyrus should stick to what she knows and not interfering in the province's environmental policies. Earlier Miley urge her fans to sign an online petition against B.C.'s wolf hunt. Source

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Miley Cyrus asked her Instagram followers to sign a petition to stop the killings of wolves

Miley Cyrus asked her Instagram followers to sign a petition to stop the killings of wolves. According to the province, 84 wolves were killed between Jan. 15 and April in effort to save endangered mountain caribou.


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Miley Cyrus caught flu

Miley Cyrus stays in bed because she is sick due to flu. She took some selfie photos of her watching cartoons on TV and she captioned one of the photos, 'When it's 100 degrees outside but you are feelin sickyyyyy and you are freezing'.
