Thursday, July 19, 2012

Miley Cyrus has paparazzi following her

Miley Cyrus shows her dismay of paparazzi in her Twitter. She wrote,"How is it legal for men I've never seen before to sit in front of my house and then follow me around! So shady and scary." Source

Monday, July 9, 2012

Miley Cyrus's instructor say Miley is healthy and good

Miley Cyrus's pilates instructor Mari Winsor says Miley Cyrus is healthy. She said, "I think people need to chill out. She`s healthy and she feels good, that`s the main thing. She`s smart about her body. She wanted to sculpt her body, that`s all." "What we focus on with Miley is posture. That was my main concern when she first came to me. "I wanted to get her shoulders down and get her to relax her upper body. If you notice, her posture is a lot better. She works hard. She`s focused." Source

Monday, July 2, 2012

Liam Hemsworth's bro gushes Liam and Miley Cyrus's love

Luke Hemsworth, who is Liam Hemsworth's bro gushes that Miley and Liam were an ideal couple. He said, "They actually are a perfect match in a lot of ways." "I think a lot of people don't realise that they are really, really in love." "She just loves our kids, and our kids absolutely love her." "She won our hearts. "I find her really interesting. I find her very articulate, and years in maturity above her age. But at the same time she's very much like Liam." Source

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