Sunday, January 31, 2010

Miley Cyrus brings little sister to recording studio

Miley Cyrus was spotted together with her little sister Noah Cyrus. They were on the way to recording studio in L.A. on Jan. 30.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Demi Moore and Miley Cyrus will act as mother and daughter in a new movie

Demi Moore and Miley Cyrus will act in a remake of 2009 French hit 'L.O.L. Laughing Out Loud'. They will act as mother and daughter.

Azuelos will write and direct the movie. This movie is about a teenager and her divorced mother and how they continue with their lives after break-ups.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Girl from Plum won Miley Cyrus "Be A Star" competition

A sixteen years old girl has won the Miley Cyrus "Be A Star" competition and the grand prize of a record contract.

The girl, Amy Colalella, joined the contest last fall. She found out that she is the winner via an e-mail.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Miley Cyrus’ tattoo has meaning behind

For most people, they put tattoo on their body as a form of decoration, beauty but for Miley Cyrus, it has a meaning and it is a constant reminder of never to take life for granted.

She said: "It reminds me not to take things for granted. I mean, breathing — that was something none of them could do, the most basic thing. And I put it near my heart, because that is where they will always be."

She told Harper’s Bazaar magazine: "It really doesn't hurt if you're thinking about the meaning. I could never get a meaningless tattoo, but I think that if you're doing something that's important, that's significant in your life, it takes some of the pain away."


Monday, January 25, 2010

Miley Cyrus teams up with other singers for Simons Cowell's Haiti Relief

You will always see Simon Cowell looking seriously as "American Idol" judge but actually he has a kind heart. Simon Cowell has organize charity singing for Haiti relief. Some of the singers including Miley Cyrus, Mariah Carey and Jon Bon Jovi.

Simon said "It's amazing these great singers are clearing their schedules to make this happen. I just found out Mariah has changed her schedule to be able to do this too."

"It says such a lot that everyone is working so hard to help Haiti.This is something that really matters to us all, and I'm so grateful for the support we are getting."


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Miley Cyrus went out with boyfriend Liam in Los Angeles

Miley Cyrus were spotted wearing ripped black jeans and black boots on Saturday. She went out with her boyfriend Liam Hemsworth in Los Angeles.

She brought along her dog. They went few places such as Coffee Bean, dinner at Paty's.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Miley Cyrus is staying together with beau, not engaged

News have been circulating , saying that she and her beau are engaged but actually they are staying together.

She told one of her fan clubs, "We need to see how things work out".

This brings bad influence to young teens who worship her. She is not even twenty and already staying together. What happen to the world? What happen to marriage concept? Are people getting more educatede but the morality are getting worst?


Friday, January 22, 2010

Miley Cyrus, Joaquin Poenix, and Liv Tyler have teamed up to stop suicide

Miley Cyrus, Joaquin Poenix, and Liv Tyler have joined together with the site (to Write Love On Her Arms) to stop suicide.

It is nice of them for giving their support and help.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Miley Cyrus perceives Jodie Foster as her mentor

Miley Cyrus treats Jodie Foster as her mentor. She admits that they had conversatons before on the phone, talking about fame.

She says, "Jodie Foster (first) called me up a couple of years ago and she has been like a mentor to me. She told me to keep my head high and surround myself with good people. I value her advice very much."


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Miley Cyrus filming last season for Hannah Montana

To all fans of Hannah Montana, they will feel sad because they are shooting for the final season.

What was the reason for ending the show?

Disney’s Chief Creative exec Gary Marsh says in a statement:

“This fourth season is an expression of Miley Cyrus’ personal commitment to ensuring that Hannah will live forever in the hearts and minds of kids everywhere."


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Miley Cyrus is the queen of karaoke

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Miley Cyrus enjoy singing karaoke with her friends when she returned her
hometown of Nashville, Tennessee. She felt many things that she unable to do when she was in Los Angeles according to Harper's Bazaar magazine.

"I got on the plane to Georgia, and I was lying in my mom's lap and crying and saying, 'I'm so happy to be getting out of Los Angeles. I went out every night with my friends. I did karaoke. I danced."

"All this stuff would've been such a big deal in Los Angeles: Who's she with? Why is she dancing? I felt alive and real. It's so much easier to know who you are when there aren't a thousand people telling you who they think you are. I felt like I was really figuring myself out. Usually I have someone whispering in my ear, but I was on my own."


Friday, January 15, 2010

Miley Cyrus is getting hitched?

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When Miley Cyrus was spotted wearing a ring on her finger, rumors spark that she will be getting marry.

But she is too young, only 17 years old. Anyway, a source confirms that she is not engaged. However, she is very much in love with Liam.


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